About the handling of the personal information

The observance of laws and ordinances
 When it deals with personal information(information concerning an individual that can identify a specific individual ), We observe an act on the protection of personal information, the duty that a minister established in guidelines, this policy.
The use in the range of the use purpose
 We identified a use purpose as much as possible and handle chisel personal information within the clear statement or the use purpose that I announced. But when I obtain your consent beforehand and an approved case is excluded as an exception by laws and ordinances.
Clear indication and publication of purpose of use,etc.
 We state the necessary information such as a use purpose and the range of the joint user, the reference clearly beforehand and act to acquire personal information after having obtained its consent。
 In addition, we record the content about business and the inquiry and may record it, but handle the information that I acquired to cope with the demand of the visitor adequately and quickly.
Security control measures
 We try to keep the correct and latest content to personal information within the use purpose.And I take necessary and appropriate safety management measures to technical standards at the present in order to protect it from unjust access, manipulation, a leak.
Requests for disclosure and others
 We cope based on the rule of laws and ordinances immediately after a visitor confirmed that it is the person when (stop of the introduction of a correction, a product and the service, removal) such as disclosure of own personal information is hoped for.Please request it in each window that offered personal information.
Response to complaints
 We will quickly and properly respond to complaints.Therefore I maintain the system in the company.
Continuous improvement of the system in the company
 We act for the continuous reinforcement and improvement of the office system which we included a review of this policy in through enforcement of the maintenance of internal official regulations, employee education and appropriate domestic inspection to deal with the personal information that I took appropriately.
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Address   1-7 2F-AIROSE Ashiya,Shinnozukacho,Ashiya-shi,Hyogo,659-00016
Open time From 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
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